OXO Connect
OXO Connect作为新一代功能强大、互联、融合的通信平台,专为中小型企业业务需求而设计
OXO Connect是ALE提供的全套中小企业解决方案的核心,支持混合模式部署,可连接并交付云服务。全套中小企业解决方案包括:
- 全系列有线和无线话机产品
- 丰富的桌面应用,促进工作效率提升
- 增强型区域外移动性,使用户随时随地都能接入他们的业务
- 问候功能,包括语音留言、集成呼叫路由、专业问候语
- 统一网络基础设施,语音和数据业务共用
- 混合云统一通信服务模式,支持Rainbow
OXO Connect作为新一代通信服务器,由OmniPCX Office RCE(OXO)演进而来,是 ALE中小型企业解决方案的平台基础,具有易于安装、便于使用和维护的特点,可满足员工人数在5人~300人规模不等的中小型企业的通信需求。
Discover OXO Connect Evolution
- 通过PC、桌面话机和智能手机实现极致通信体验
- 无论在区域内或区域外,都可实现全功能的企业通信服务
- 所有平台都配备集成了MSDB 8-GB内存卡的高性能Power CPU 增强版
- 支持多种网络环境,包括IP、IP/TDM混合或TDM终端
- 支持下一代SIP中继接入
Cloud connect benefits and data protection - EN partners FAQ
This FAQ summarizes the main questions related to Cloud connect benefits and the data protection
Securing unified communications and collaboration solutions
As enterprises and governments look to digitally transform, they have no choice but to strengthen cybersecurity.
OXO Connect Business Communications
Communicate with your teams and customers wherever you are.
Alcatel-Lucent OXO Connect Business Communications
Alcatel-Lucent OXO Connect for business communications is designed for entrepreneurs, providing the freedom, quality, and agility needed to grow their business.
A smarter Air Traffic Industry with Digital Age Communicati…
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise delivers flexible, secure, and highly available Digital Age Communications to move from connected to smart airports.
Australia Hotel Use Case
This document provides a generic overview of a Australia boutique hotel chain use case